Sunday, November 1, 2009

lynn in love with dressing up II

Oh we had such a blast last night! I haven't uploaded the pictures from the Halloween party yet (later this afternoon). I think probably the most fun was getting the costume together and then dressing up part! Good guesses from my last commenters...but no dice.

Here are some more clues! I had basically only 24 hours to get my costume together. But when I had all the components I clapped with glee because of all the cuteness! Of course, I had to do a little impromptu photo shoot with my star players.


Now you know what I was?? :)


  1. Those roller derby girls are physically tough as nails...

  2. Roller derby!! Holla! How cute...can't wait to see your fab Halloween photos!

  3. Your roller derby girl outfit is a good idea for halloween! My halloween costume was a story book character. I was Hanna Lee from the book Turn Homeword,Hanna Lee. Have you read this book?

  4. haha yah! y'all got it :) Anon, we ARE tough as nails.
    Sandra... I don't think I've read that book! I'm sure you looked super cute!
