Thursday, April 22, 2010

lynn in love with bikes II

Meanwhile, as I search for my perfect cruiser bike,

I found all these cute bike prints and accessories!!


First off this adorable letterpress print found via ThatWifeBlog made by MaJoie Press!
I ended up buying this one, because it was just perfect for us! In our aqua wedding color with a tandem bike? The actual print is beautiful and I can't wait to display it with our wedding pictures.
picture by Jenna Cole

Next up is this adorable Kate Spade Bike Picnic basket!! Seriously how adorable?? Wouldn't exactly go with my aqua bike. But I don't think I'd care if somebody gifted me with this! :)

Found via You are My Fave,
I found this cute T-shirts and Bike Totes at

What about these Pantone bikes? Love, but only in Canada in the W. Hemisphere.

Have y'all found any cute bike accessories??


  1. I'm so glad I stumbled onto your's so lovely! =)

  2. I love tandem bikes too and those kate spade baskets are adorable! I was doing research for picnic basket accessories for an illustration I'm making when I stumbled across your blog, which is fabulous by the way. If your interested in seeing an aqua tandem illustration, here's the link to it on Flickr. Congratulations on your wedding! :)
